eorzea's premiere wild west saloon
Crystal | Diabolos | Lavender Beds
Ward 29 | Plot 36NOTE: Our location sometimes varies for special events. Please join our discord for the latest: https://discord.gg/huckleberrysaloon
Howdy ya'll, and welcome to the rootin'est, dootin'est, booty scootin'est Saloon in all of Eorzea!! We've got a bit of everything here, including:
The Grand Ole Bard Stage featuring bands from all across the world
Our retro Arcade where you can play air hockey, saloon fighter II turbo, or go bowling!
A glitzy Gamba Lounge where you can play one of our MANY games & win some gil!
And of course, one of the BEST RP-Immersive Bars you'll find anywhere!
Huckleberry Vision
To be the happiest, goofiest, and most fun saloon Eorzea has ever seen
Huckleberry Values
Kindness, Respect, Inclusivity, Community
Open Tuesdays 8p-11p est

Huckleberry Staff

Doc Laladay
Doc was a pre-med student at an Eorzean University until whiskey and cards got the best of him, at which point he began a years-long adventure of meandering and gambling. A lifelong drifter moving from one town to the next, it wasn't until he got lucky in the housing lottery that he realized he had a passion for running a saloon. When he's not at the Huckleberry, he can be found wandering around to other venues, doing roulettes, leveling crafters, and other such relaxing stuff. As a retired raider, he evades at all costs the higher end game content.
Catgirl Doc
Party Finder advertising, Venue Liaison
Often seen idling in a corner with a party finder ad up, Catgirl Doc helps out at the Huckleberry when she can. When she is not afk, she can be a chatterbox and will gladly talk and dance with anyone and is often found wandering around the venue scene in Eorzea. Rumor has it she's somehow related to Doc Laladay. She shares his habit of not being able to stay in one place for very long. Also, if you can't find Doc, reach out to Catgirl. She'll let him know you are looking for him. Always supportive and cheerful, her favorite glams are yeehaw glams and pajamas. She is also the beer drinkenest catgirl in Eorzea!

Donovan Adovan
General Manager
Master of Ceremonies
Dono was a travelling bard, going from venue to venue. One fateful day he came across Doc's saloon and was instantly infatuated. With some assistance from his contacts in the Syndicate, Dono bought an equal share in the Huckleberry Saloon and took over as the house bard, as well as assuming the role of G.M. Over time the two started an underground moonshine operation to supply the saloon directly, and business began to boom as the bar became known for it's top of the line liquors and (thanks to Doc) it's continuous lineup of Bards to entertain the patrons. These days Donovan has a reduced bard schedule, but is always busy behind the scenes ensuring the Huckleberry machine never stops.

Rho Daedalus
Games Enthusiast
Rho is always in search of the most unique fighters that Eorzea has to offer, whether they have raw martial ability or an uncanny talent for buffoonery and hijinx.No stranger to dancing on the stage or the battlefield, Rho loves the unexpected and aims for it to happen every week at the Huckleberry.Don't let his soft smile fool you - the whiskers on Rho's face are painted with the blood of fallen fight pit combatants. Will you be next?

Raven Alabastor
Jack of All Trades
Having landed in the world of Ethyris, he struggled to attempt to blend in. His youngest followed him and they now travel the land looking for home. On his travels, he was found by a small business owner who asked him if he'd help out, which is how he began work at this saloon.
Venger Anklebreaer
Gamba Manager
Coming Soon!

Nightingale Scarlet
Dealer & Game Designer
Hailing from deep forests north of Garlemald, Nightingale's upbringing was very isolated, like many, she was raised in a village of all Viera. That is until she ventured too far from the village border and was captured by a passing Garlean patrol. From then she spent several years in gaol, she had all but given up when suddenly the castrum she was being held in was attacked. A Bozjan Hrothgar leading the charge seen Nightingale and freed her, before long he was training Nightingale how to fight and not long after that she became a mercenary of some repute.
Saloben and The Cluckening
The Seventh Umbral Calamity threatened to devastate Eorzea (FFXIV Version 1.0 ), but the brave sacrifice of a hero, transforming into the primal Phoenix, saved the realm. By defeating Bahamut and returning the gathered aether to the land, Phoenix ensured the regrowth and renewal of Eorzea. Little did anyone know that this act would have unforeseen consequences, affecting four humble creatures at their core: chickens.

Jesse Khoh
Jesse grew up on a chocobo ranch in Gridania. But as much as she loved the country life, her true passion was always dancing. She had a dream of someday becoming a professional dancer and as soon as she was able, she set out for the big city to make her dreams come true. One night a friend took her to the Huckleberry and she instantly fell in love. The music, the atmosphere, the people, it was like a home away from home. She auditioned for a job as a dancer as soon as she could and was elated when she got the job. She's finally making her dreams of being a professional dancer come true, and found a new family and a place she can call home. She still goes back and helps her family on the ranch when she can, but this is where she was meant to be.

Melodi & The Muses
Huckleberry House Band
Melodi & The Muses are a quartet that leans heavily into the Rock genre.Melodi started about 2 years ago as a solo bard and gradually migrated to quartet. She prides herself on her edits and often does commissions for others looking for solo songs.Melodi, Ari'a, Aida, and Lyra are sisters and the Daughters of Mnemosyne, also known as the Nine Muses. While their other five sisters are off inspiring other bards across the cosmos, The Muses tend to stay close to a good time with friends, and anywhere else inspiration sends them across Eorzea.
Alzabet Smallberries
Expert Decorator
In the clandestine world of illicit trade and covert operations, Sadie Smallberries stands as a beacon of innovation and craftsmanship. Born into a family with a long history of discreet dealings, she was destined for a life that would blur the lines between legality and subterfuge. Sadie honed her skills in the most unconventional ways, working alongside locksmiths, escape artists, and even illusionists.Regarded for its elegance, intricacy, and efficiency her designs are more than mere structures; they are functional works of art. Her clientele includes powerful crime syndicates, intelligence agencies, and even the occasional rogue government organization.

Argus Swangus
Lead Security Guard
Triple Triad Master
This Ishgardian raised Miqo'te found his humble beginnings through a blacksmith guild he calls family. Though Argus is small in stature, the iron will and strict family forged him into the man he is today—along with holding his liquor.Argus would always yearn for the world outside his smithy walls. After a tearful goodbye, he'd pick up odd jobs to keep food in his stomach. Through some exchanges, he landed a role to guard a wealthy and cunning fellow, a master of Triple Triad. A Triad player never reveals their secrets, but Argus' watchful eye had an aptitude for it, indulging with patrons for extra Gil.As Argus searched for new challengers, he bumped into Doc Laladay along the way. Without missing a beat, this quirky Lalafell keenly understood Argus' skills, offering him something he had begun to miss. A family.
Olarra Vae
Newspaper Editor
Olaara is the Huckleberry's resident editor and legacy evil alchemist/mixologist, having concocted the bar's famous and infamous drinks menu while in the throes of darkest nightmare. She often lurks in the hidden depths under the saloon's floorboards and will occasionally come out into the light for music and booze.

Nebu can be found with her hand in a wide variety of cookie jars including dancing, drawing, home design, and more. However, her passion, and the one to which she devotes the most time is, of course, her photography. Zipping around Eorzea with camera in hand, she’s always ready to catch that perfect moment in action. Her work speaks for itself amid the sea of talented photographers scattered throughout the land in the wide variety of angles, colors, and filters she’s known to employ in her work. You might have the fastest draw in the west, but I can promise you it’s not faster than her shutter speed! Find her wandering around Huckleberry if you get the chance and hit her up for a photo or two!
Neveah Targaryen
Just your average gpose fanatic here to capture your memories and times together at Huckleberry. Down to earth and friendly, if you see me around give a wave or a dote and say hi!I'm also our lead admin and help out with graphics and home design too!

Haro Kiti
Caterer/Menu Planner
Owner of the HELLO Kitty Grand Café & Event Catering! Even though I'm only about the height of five apples, I'm BIG on love! I have a kawaii sister named Mimmy, that's really not THAT bad of a Chef, as she claims. I love music, art, and Mama's homemade apple pie, so much that I decided to share tasty treats, smiles, and lots of love to every corner of Eorzea! Because as we say here at Hello Kitty, you can never have too many friends!
Mono'Sono Glu'tame
Fortune Teller
Within the sprawling landscapes of the Three Great Continents, tales whisper of a diminutive figure with unparalleled foresight—Mono, the Lalafell Seer. With eyes that gleam like twilight stars and an enigmatic and endearing presence, Mono has become, according to patrons, a legend, guiding DJs, owners, and commoners alike on inquiries and insights. Whenever you see a full moon in the sky, know that Mono will be near to help shine through the darkness of uncertainty in your journey.

Mandy Rose
Mrs Santa Clause/Mandy Rose is one of the Huckleberry's sfw dancers. On most tuesday nights, you can find her on the dance floor vibing to the music, chatting up guests, and checking in on her teammates to make sure everyone is doing well. If you see her at the venue, do be sure to say hello!

Gamba Lounge & Arcade

NEW: Yeehaw Bowling
Bowling has arrived at Huckleberry Saloon!Rules:
Players will join party to play.Round 1
-Player starts the game by rolling /dice 10
-Rolling a 10 is a strike.
-Rolling 2 or below the first roll is a gutter ball.Round 2+
-Player rolls /dice [X], where X is the difference between their roll and 10 (For example, you roll 7 on your first roll, so your second roll will be /dice 3)
-If you roll a 9 on on your first roll of this round, roll /dice 2 on your second roll (1 being a miss, 2 to pick up the spare)Click here to check out the LIVE score sheet!HUGE thanks to Bowl-A-Rama and The Forum Shopping Center for permission and inspiration for this game!
Date | 2025 Bowling League Standings |
A |
Air Hockey
Players /dice 7 quickly back and forth until one of them hits a 1.Whoever rolls a 1 has a point scored against them and then they start the next set of /dice 7First to 5 points wins. Rolling a 1 on yourself as you start a new round feels very much like scoring on yourself in real air hockey. Place a bet of 100k against the host or up to 1M against another guest.
Huckleberry Squat Challenge
The Huckleberry Squat Challenge is a weekly game at the Huckleberry that everyone can play if they choose to! It takes about five minutes and is ran toward the end of the night.Doc keeps track of the winners week after week, and every couple months (which comprise a season) the winners are invited to a squat-off, in which they will all compete in a champions squat challenge for a $20 or less mogstation award.Each round requires a /random roll, and you must roll higher and higher each round!
Round 1 needs a 50 to continue
Each next round proceeds in increments of 100. For example:
Round 2 needs a 100 to continue
Round 3 needs a 200 to continue
Round 4 needs a 300 to continue
Round 5 needs a 400 to continueFailure to meet the required roll means your legs have reached muscle failure and you are out!Last squatter left squatting wins. If multiple people end up out at the same time and nobody is left, SUDDEN DEATH ensues.For sudden death, we'll do a GIGASQUAT among the last round's contestants...highest roll will win!
Date | HB Squat Challenge Winner |
A |

Air Hockey
Air Hockey can be played against another guest or against the game master. Games against the game master are max bets of 100k. Games against other players are max bets of 1 million gil. The players must all be in party chat with the game master. It is played in party chat so the rolls do not intersect with other activities. The game is played at the air hockey table.Rules:
/dice 7 until you get 1.
Best 2 out of 3 wins!
Deathroll Arcade
Deathroll Arcade can be played against another guest or against the game master. Games against the game master are max bets of 100k. Games against other players are max bets of 1 million gil. The players must all be in party chat with the game master. It is played in party chat so the rolls do not intersect with other activities. Players will take their seats at the arcade machines. Players will use /dice instead of /random, with normal deathroll rules.Rules:
-players will take turns doing /dice in party chat, deathrolling down to 1. Whoever reaches 1 first is out.
Example: Player one types "/dice" and presses enter. They roll a 745. Player 2 will then type "/dice 745" and they roll a 600. The next player types "/dice 600" and so on, down to 1. Resets each time a player is knocked out.Note: The Huckleberry Saloon's arcade machine design is directly inspired by House of Seoul's arcade machines. With their consent, Doc brought the design to the Huckleberry Saloon. House of Seoul is open every Sunday night. Find out more about them at https://discord.gg/XzDDstvmD9
Also Available: Blackjack & Roulette
Yeehaw Bowling
What in tarnation, bowling lanes at a saloon? I'll be daggumed if'n that ain't the silliest thing, but yes!
Bard stage

Guest Bard Schedule
February 2024 | Weekly bard schedule returning to the carrd in February |
Date - | - | -
Huckleberry House Bards
The DonoCellos

Melodi & The Muses

Huckleberry Memories
Valentiones Day 2024
Anniversary Yeehaw Glam Contest
VIP Party!
Wild West Glam Contest
Valentione Photos (By Wynter Moon)
St. Patty's Glam Contest
Princess Bride Glam Contest
Pride Glam Contest
Anime Glam Contest
Lalafell Glam Contest
2024 BerryFest (winter festival)
The Huckleberry Guest Book
Our Pardners
-The Huckleberry has a tradition of partnering with a wide array of communities. Our partners include bard venues, night clubs, lala communities, a fight club, and others! We follow our partner's announcements feeds, list them on our carrd, promote them as often as possible through Tuesday night collaborative events at the Huck, and prioritize collaborating with our partnered network for special events.-Please check out our partners below! Also, please note some venues may be 18+ (See Catgirl Doc, the Huckleberry's 18+ venue liaison, for questions).
The Seventh Umbral Calamity threatened to devastate Eorzea (FFXIV Version 1.0 ), but the brave sacrifice of a hero, transforming into the primal Phoenix, saved the realm. By defeating Bahamut and returning the gathered aether to the land, Phoenix ensured the regrowth and renewal of Eorzea. Little did anyone know that this act would have unforeseen consequences, affecting four humble creatures at their core: chickens.
House of Seoul is an OG bard venue that has been active in the community for over four years. Open every Sunday night, this venue is home to the bard band Gorilla Fist! Also, Lexa Frost of House of Seoul partnered closely with Doc Laladay in designing the Starship Huckleberry. She designed the entire thing, in fact. She's amazing. And humble. And lovely. We also borrowed her arcade machine design for the saloon (with her permission). House of Seoul is a wonderful destination to spend your Sunday evening!

Klub Kupo is the HEART of Lalaland and is the flagship of it's attractions.
Eorzea's premiere honkytonk is open every Sunday and Wednesday from 9p-12a est! Sharing a love for all things yeehaw with the Huckleberry, the gang over at KT has been partnering with the Huck almost since the saloon's beginning. Steeped in country and warm hospitality, a visit to KT is as close as you can get in Eorzea to visiting a honkytonk irl. Get ready for the boot scootin'!

An aether-based lala group ran by a fun-loving group of lalas! Doc Laladay is frequently in cahoots with the Middy Conspiracy. Toshio the Gobbie King, Nokyyn Tors'blood, Cuddles McBubblefun, and others!
The Mouldy Tuba has been passed down for four generations. The current owner, Jameson Blackstone, has made it his life ambition to create a venue for all of Eorzeans to rest, unwind and get their second wind before venturing out to save the world.The Mouldy Tuba is known for its Blackstone Family Mead as well as the seasonal favorite of Blackstone Family Dodos. Whether to keep to ride or serve at the family dinner table, Blackstone Family Dodos carry a legacy near and far.
The Popoto Patch is a general Lalafellen discord led by the coffee-chugging and forever charming Luna Aequor! If you have an opportunity to work with The Popoto Patch, please do! Luna is at the helm of such events as the Summer Popoto Fanfest, and the 2025 Midwinter Popoto Renaissance Faire. Also, she's just such a lovely person to make friends with. Join their discord and say hello to her!